Welcome by François Jacq, President, EARTO
Welcome by Hubert Cichocki, President, Lukasiewicz Research Network
Keynote by Waldemar Sługocki, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology Keynote by Andrzej Szeptycki, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Keynotes by:
- Presentation by Michel Viktorovitch, Advisor to the President for European Affairs, IFPEN
- Presentation by Mathias Rauch, Chief Representative EU, Fraunhofer
- Presentation by Tomasz Fafiński, Director - External Funding & Technology Development, GE Aerospace
Panel on new trends:
- Brigitte Bach, CEO, AIT
- Alexandre Pauchard, CEO, CSEM
- Chris Dungey, CTO, HVM Catapult
- Inge Neven, CEO, VITO
Moderated by Jesus Valero, CEO, TECNALIA & EARTO Treasurer
Keynote “Towards FP10: Technology Infrastructures” by Dominik Sobczak, Deputy Head of Unit, Industrial Research, Innovation and Investment Agendas, DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
Panel on new trends:
- Sylwester Wyka, Deputy Director for Research, Łukasiewicz – ILOT
- Janica Ylikarjula, VP International Affairs and Policy, VTT
- Bertrand Bouchet, Director EU Office, CEA
- Sophie Viscido, Principal Consultant, Technopolis
Moderated by Muriel Attané, Secretary General, EARTO
Panel with:
- João Claro, CEO, INESC TEC
- Boštjan Zalar, Director, JSI
- Gregor Anderluh, Director, NIC
- Sigitas Rimkevičius, Director, LEI
Moderated by Muriel Attané, Secretary General, EARTO